Recently moved to a new street and can’t update the address of your driving license online with the DVLA? It isn’t obvious but there is a workaround. Below is an example of what you may see when changing your address.

Screenshot showing postcode not found

If like me you clicked “Other ways to enter your address” and got nowhere? You don’t need to do this.

Simply remove the house name or number and enter a valid postcode, any postcode at all. It can be your old address, your workplace, whatever then click on Next.

Screenshot showing addresses for a valid post code

If like me you clicked “Other ways to enter your address” and got nowhere? You don’t need to do this.

Simply remove the house name or number and enter a valid postcode, any postcode at all. It can be your old address, your workplace, whatever then click on Next.

Screenshot showing new address fields

Enter your new address, click next and proceed with the process. That’s it! I’ve demonstrated in a video below.